Brick Seller
You can register for a $4.99 monthly subscription to Brick Seller after the trial period has expired.
Brick Seller uses the Bricklink Store API to help you manage your Bricklink store. Before Brick Seller can access your data, you will need to enter your Bricklink Store API authentication information below.
You must first register to use the Bricklink Store API (enter for IP Address and IP Mask) and get your access token information by going here.
After you have generated your access tokens, return to this page and copy/paste your access tokens below.
Brick Seller is now fully integrated with Brick Owl. If you have a Brick Owl store as well as a BrickLink store, Brick Seller will allow you to maintain your inventory and manage your orders for both stores at the same time. If you don't already have a Brick Owl API Key, clickhereand follow the instruction to generate one. After you register for Brick Seller, you can enter your Brick Owl API Key on the Options tab of Brick Seller.